Powered by HiSeis
New products unlock extraordinary new insight.
Epicentre unlocks more value from seismic through smarter integration of complimentary geoscience data and client knowledgebase.
Critical new insights are delivered via a portfolio of “Answer” products that can be accessed online and easily incorporated into client software environments.
New experience places value at your fingertips.
Epicentre is a one-stop-shop for the entire HiSeis journey – from seismic acquisition, processing and interpretation through to ongoing subsurface insights and support.
It offers a simplified and consistent user experience that provides clarity, consistency, and continuity of information across the entire seismic data value chain.
Smarter drill targeting helps miners go deeper and cleaner.
Epicentre provides smarter drilling targeting solutions for the cost-effective detection, delineation and extraction of critical metals in complex environments and deeper frontiers, generating less waste and environmental impact in the process.