

Automated Geobody Extraction from seismic attributes.

99 seconds of Seisomics


Seisomics is a 3D Geobody Modelling workflow that automatically extracts geological features, such as intrusions, from 3D seismic data using a HiSeis proprietary algorithm in Epicentre.  Seisomics leverages unconstrained machine learning to petition seismic volumes into regions of different geological/lithological composition. 


Seisomics is particularly effective in identifying regions of unique textural facies that are often associated with intrusions.  These regions can then be brought in as structural constraints within inversion workflows for gravity, magnetics, and electromagnetic methods resulting in better resolved petrophysical properties including density, magnetic susceptibility, and electrical conductivity which can be used to target mineralization with enhanced probability.

Seisomics - Hillside

Case Studies

How SEISOMICS helps our clients.

3D seismic discovers smoking gun in the deep for prolific mineral system.

“This Victory Dome had been recognised. What hadn’t been recognised was this feature immediately below 3.6Moz of gold. We drilled a 1700m hole into this .It turns out it is a bunch of porphyries, intense alteration and sulphide mineralisation. If you were in South America you would get incredibly excited when you saw this. The 1700m hole – the last 1200m of that hole ran consistently over about 0.22gpt gold. So if ever there was a smoking gun for a system like this, this is it.”

Gary Snow, Vice President Exploration, Gold Fields


St Ives gold mine is situated in the well-endowed, mature region of Eastern Goldfields in Western Australia. Goldfields mining company were looking to evaluate deeper targets as part of their near-mine exploration strategy.

HiSeis completed a 3D seismic survey (30km2) in 2017. Unique hard rock seismic processing and interpretation successfully illuminated geology several km below the mine. New AI / ML workflows have recently added even more detail.

A new large intrusive was discovered and a subsequent 1700m drill hole resulted in a 1200m intersection consistently over about 0.22gpt. This new insight has significant implications for the emplacement of gold at St Ives.

3D Seismic points to large target under Hillside. Rex Minerals 2Mt copper resource in South Australia.

In February 2022, HiSeis completed a 3D seismic survey, centred over Rex Minerals 2Mt copper Mineral Resource at Hillside, located in South Australia.

The survey provides detailed geological and structural information over an area measuring 3km north-south, 2km east-west and to depths of over 2-3km centred directly over the large-scale Hillside deposit 

The initial review and interpretation of the survey data clearly validates the geological model that encompasses the current 2Mt copper Mineral Resource 

The survey identifies numerous interpreted faults in the host rocks which appear to control the higher-grade copper-gold mineralisation, several of which extend well beyond current drilling limits 

At deeper levels (under the current drilling), the seismic data also shows what can be interpreted as a large intrusive body lying directly below the 2Mt copper Mineral Resource. Rex geologists believe the interpreted body below the Hillside deposit may represent  the “source rock” to the Hillside deposit. 

“This recent 3D seismic survey could be a game changer for Rex. We are very excited with what we are seeing in the new survey and what it may offer by way of upside for the Project.”

Richard Laufmann, CEO Rex Minerals Ltd
ASX Announcement June 2022

Rex Minerals Ltd



Deeper insight into mineral systems

Illuminate intrusive geobodies deep in the earths crust.

We can’t predict your future
but we can help you see underground.